Friday, September 9, 2011


               If there was one superpower that I would absolutely want, it would be the ability to fly. The feeling of flying freely through white fluffy clouds with the wind blowing through my roots and following through the rest of my hair, like a bird being freed from a cage. With the ability to fly I would never need a driver’s license and neither would I have go write the learner’s test and take the road test. No time would be wasted at intersections waiting for traffic lights to change and also there would no waiting in traffic. I wouldn’t have to deal with other road users and their poor driving skill and be delayed in traffic. Since flying doesn’t require wearing a seatbelt, I wouldn’t get fined for not wearing one. For not following the simplest rules of the road, you could get fined. For example, the usage of a cell phone while driving, a fine that is worth $167.00. If I could fly there would be no speed limits, no stopping at signs and wait for pedestrians to cross the road. Best of all, I would not need to buy a car, pay for vehicle maintenance and pay for gas which is rising in its prices. The only maintenance required might be washing the cape (laugh). Not having a car would save me money because there would be no need for automotive insurance. When it comes to traveling, no more buying airline tickets, putting up with flight delays, and lengthy layovers. I could go to any place I desire to. Flying not only saves me money it also prevents me from increasing my carbon and ecological footprints. Although my flying superpower benefits me, it could also be beneficial with saving lives of others. For example, if a child is stuck in a house that is caught on fire, I could give the child a new life by flying him or her out of the burning house. Ultimately, the power to fly would be adventurous and entertaining due to the tricks that I could do in the air.         

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