Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

1) Do you believe it is important to be passionate about your job? Think about adults you know well, and how they feel about their jobs?

          My beliefs are that one should be passionate of their job, because without being passionate how are you supposed to enjoy what you are doing. A lot of people decide to do a job according to the salary, later they realize that what they are doing is not their passion. Many adults feel disappointed and miserable due to the work that they currently are doing. When the same adults look back they regret not putting in enough effort into school, with that effort they would obtain a job of their choice. For example, my parents, my mom who was born in India wasn't able to fulfill her desire of attending college due to financial problems. At the time, many families consisted of five or six children. My moms parents upbringing six children weren't able to afford the expenses of all six children attending school. If they weren't pursuing an education, they were married off which is exactly what happened with my mom. After marriage, my mom immigrated from India to come to Canada, to earn a living she had to work extremely hard in orchards bearing the strong sunlight rays hitting her face and back. Working in an orchard is exhausting and results in discomfort of body pain, I too have experienced what my mom's been through to make an earning that paid her to be able to live in Canada. For the past seven years my mom has been working in a fruit packing house which still incorporates working with fruit but, in better working conditions. With a lack of English my mom can 't go to college, therefore she must continue working in a packing house. Overall, my mom enjoys working in a fruit packing house than in an orchard, however she'd rather prefer a do a profession that shes always dreamed of doing. Till this day she regrets not being able to attend school and there are some things that she cannot change. However, my mom stills believes that one can only find happiness by following their dreams.

2) What are you going to do with the rest of your life (career wise) and how are you going to get there?

          In the future, I hope to become a radiologist, primarily to work in the medical field to help others. Since middle school I have always dreamed of being a radiologist, before I could never decide for what profession  I was passionate about. Till this day I have been putting all my effort in to maintaining high academic marks that will help in reach my goal of becoming a radiologist. Over the year I have done volunteer work in the school and as well as in the community that will increase my chances of getting accepted into a university of my choice. Next year I plan on attending Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary where first I will get a diploma in medical radiography. It will take me two years to receive a diploma in this profession, school will start in September and will end in August. During the first year, four months will be spent doing a practicum in a clinic or hospital. In order to do my practicum, I will have to shift to Red Deer, Lethbridge , Medicine Hat or get lucky to stay in Calgary. Once I receive my diploma, I intend on pursuing a degree in radiography, with this degree I will be able to perform different types of x-rays, for example, MRI's CAT Scans and many others. However, I might decide latter on to transfer to British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), my second choice being able to transfer to the Institute of Technology Ontario. Being able to go to Ontario to get a degree in radiography would be a life time experience, I have always wanted to travel, by living in Ontario my passion of traveling would also come true, best of all I have always wanted to live in a big city. After I have completed my degree, I will be offered a job of a radiologist which is in high demand. with regards to financing, I am optimistic that I will receive scholarships that will help pay a great portion of my tuition, but I am also prepared to take up a student loan. As far as living expenses are concerned, I have a lot of family living in Calgary with whom I may live with. I will work to the best of my ability to achieve success in my post- secondary studies and eventually attain my dream job as a radiologist.         

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